Frontend Engineering

AdobeStock_387361710_small.jpg Our frontend developers are capable of breathing functionality, navigation, accessibility, and performance into your web project and making it consistent across all browsers and devices. The experienced web-development specialists at Aramaze have an artist’s eye for beautiful user interfaces. Yet, our custom-tailored web apps are not just attractive, they’re highly functional. Powered by advanced web app development expertise they run faster, perform better, and provide outstanding user experience on any device, mobile, tablet, or desktop.

Front-end technologies evolve very quickly, requiring us to stay up to date on all the cutting-edge products. We strive to ensure a proper balance between advanced technology and project longevity, such as progressive web applications and accelerated mobile pages. With a number of long-term projects for both React and Angular stacks, we are simultaneously experimenting with new frameworks and libraries such as Vue.js to find the best tools to support the work we do.

We have phased out Flash and ditched Silverlight in favor of HTML5 to get powerful ‘write once, run anywhere’ solutions. Aramaze utilizes this open standard to help you migrate from outdated tools and enhance the functionality and feature set of your app while shortening load times and improving security and stability.

AdobeStock_197327198.jpegWhen designing the “face” of your application, we pay special attention to usability and navigation functions. Our UI/UX specialists work on Customer Journey Maps, Information Architecture, and UI Guidelines to guarantee not only the beauty of the execution, but also the usability of the application. In some cases we do not need to develop the UI itself, since we use and customize ready-made solutions using tools like as OpenCMS, WordPress, Drupal, and Magento.

We believe the success of your application depends on its ability to run smoothly everywhere and remain consistent across various form factors. Dynamic, responsive, and beautiful, our custom-tailored HTML-based solutions push the web to the limits that were once considered solely standalone application premises.