Cloud Technologies

AdobeStock_275879619.jpeg The digital transformation journey often begins with cloud services and efficient development practices. By harnessing your data and optimizing your infrastructure, we eliminate technical debt, accelerate innovation, and deliver quality at scale—all enabling you to reduce costs and direct resources to revenue-generating projects.

Whether you’re looking to move existing systems to the cloud or build new applications from scratch, Aramaze's elite team of business analysts, QA specialists, and software engineers create elegant, dynamic cloud solutions for corporate customers. At Aramaze, we have deep expertise working with all major cloud platforms (AWS, Azure, GCP) as well as in co-location and on-premises environments. This allows us to provide the most suitable platform and software infrastructure package based on project requirements and budget constraints.

We emphasize the role of automation in a company. All integration and deployment tasks and processes are considered for automation using Continues Integration approaches. This speeds up delivery and minimizes human error. In all of our projects, we utilize automatic code integration, deployment, and analysis to identify errors and vulnerabilities, integration with code repositories and product management tools.

While simply hosting software in the cloud certainly has its benefits, we encourage clients to adopt a cloud-first strategy, building software directly in the cloud to fully leverage its many benefits.. And the Aramaze team can take care of it all, from drafting to deployment to maintenance.