Server-side Integration

AdobeStock_174927838_small.jpg Aramaze offers services that span the development of custom backend layers, optimization of existing backend systems, and migration to cloud. Our core technology expertise resides in Java and C # technology stack. We use modern frameworks and libraries in our projects and always try to maintain legacy code to keep it updated. Our Research and Development group is constantly evaluating emerging technology stacks, structures, and products that will improve the solutions we provide to our customers. By utilizing specific tools and processes that promote the flow of ideas and motivate and encourage team members to participate in R&D, we’re able to deliver the best in attractive and innovative solutions.

We focus on the following aspects of server-side integration:

API Management

We develop, deploy, and manage application programming interfaces in secure and scalable environments both on-premise and in the cloud.AdobeStock_348397404.jpeg


Our engineers reinforce the protection of sensitive data by implementing user authentication and authorization.


We enable integration with enterprise systems at all levels of complexity by developing custom communication adaptors or REST/SOAP services.

Messaging Notifications

Aramaze crafts real-time intelligent messaging services, which provide for the delivery of targeted notifications based on user location.

Our projects typically involve adopting architecture that allows us to choose the best implementation for each of the microservices, whether we use NodeJS, PHP or Java, Kotlin, and C #. Depending on the type of project and service requirements, the choice of business logic implementation technology can vary greatly. But in all cases we pay special attention to the core design principles of the system, basing our development on the classic Design Patterns and SOLID principles.