UI/UX Design

AdobeStock_330388781_small.jpgWe personalize digital experiences by getting to know and understand your customers. Our user-centered approach to digital interactions ensures that you deliver thoughtful, engaging experiences that maximize customer and business value. An efficient user interface closes the gap between the human brain and the digital product you offer. Based on the behavioral patterns and in compliance with the Human Interface Guidelines we delight users by providing experiences that are elegant, intuitive, and efficient.

We approach every project with a balance of creativity and conformity to create a unique and highly customized solution. For startups, Aramaze offers a complete design package, from developing the company’s brand and identity to the User Interface of the final product. For companies with existing brand identity, our team can provide any design and rebranding support as the project requires. AdobeStock_367708526.jpeg

Our User Experience design team process begins with a detailed analysis, followed by the development of an interface architecture, sketching, and wireframing. After that, the team creates a project prototype tailored to the client’s requirements or any final amendments. Our design team collaborates closely with developers. This guarantees that the final product maintains excellent quality in both layout and performance.

Finally, Aramaze always tests the UI/UX and checks that the product looks and performs equally well on all devices and platforms. We perform a number of A/B tests and set up user-testing interaction sessions to analyze the received data that we transform into design improvements. Depending on your needs, we’ll choose the optimal method to gather user feedback - remote user testing or one-on-one sessions.

Product responsiveness is our priority because we understand the importance of quality consistency in a software product. Our team is available to provide ongoing support, ensuring your product continues to deliver dependable and responsive performance.